Work injuries claims and Common Law negligence claims

Pursuant to the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance, if the employment relationship between the employee and the employer and also the fact that the employee is injured in the course of employment can be proved, the employer must compensate the employee no matter upon whom the liability of negligence lies.

Having said that, the employees’ compensation amount is simply the most basic compensation for the employee in most cases.  If the accident involves negligence of the employer or a third party, the employee may commence Common Law negligence claim to recover damages which is far more comprehensive and of a higher amount.

We know that work injuries may bring pressure and causes various worries upon the employee and even their family.  We will, if necessary, consider and take into account of your future means of living and comprehensively recover all damages to which you entitled.

Road traffic accidents

If a road traffic accident arises from the negligence of pedestrian(s), vehicle(s) driver(s) or passenger(s), the innocent parties who suffer a loss may commence Common Law negligence claim to recover personal injuries damages and/or other losses for property damages.

We handle a mass of road traffic accidents claim each year.  Our veteran team of lawyers will recover items as many as possible and compensation amount as much as possible for you as instructed.

Medical negligence

When a patient entrusts their body to doctors of diversifying fields, dentists, Chinese doctors or other medical personnel but the patient is injured or even dead as a result of medical negligence, the patient or the family of the deceased may commence Common Law negligence claim to recover damages.

As the Court requires an expert witness must be instructed to corroborate the negligence of medical personnel in a medical negligence claim, the choice of expert witness is of upmost importance.  As we handled numerous medical negligence claims in the past, we shall select expert witness with the most appropriate qualifications and experience to substantiate your claim.

Trip and fall/ slip and fall/ objects falling from height/ animal attack/ malicious attack or others

The nature of personal injuries claims handled by us diversifies.  We shall arrange a specialist to answer your enquiries with patience and in detail if necessary.

Initial free evaluation for damages amount and liability
<br /> We may provide initial consultation which is absolutely free so as to evaluate the range of compensation amount and upon whom the liability lies. Please contact our team of lawyers for service.